Etiquette For Everyone

Etiquette For Everyone

Etiquette For Everyone / BLOG  / Why Do Some People Do Bad Things? My Thoughts

Why Do Some People Do Bad Things? My Thoughts

I’ve traveled to over 90 countries, and during this time, I’ve seen many different kinds of human behaviour across cultures. One thing that has really made me think is why some people choose to commit terrible crimes like stealing or murdering that cause tremendous hurt and suffering for others.
How can certain people completely disregard being kind, moral and ethical?

This reminded me of a wise quote from Saint Augustine, who lived a very long time ago:

“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”

Even though he said this centuries ago, it still rings true today. It highlights that having moral integrity matters and that some people worryingly lack any sense of responsibility.

I’ve come to believe that if a person always acts based on being good, respectful, considerate, honest, kind, having good manners, and having proper etiquette, they would never choose to do harmful wrong acts.

As the famous etiquette expert Miss Manners said, “Laws come into effect when etiquette fails.” This means having strong ethics can prevent wrongdoing.

Through a lot of research from different sources and even with the help of AI, I’ve identified 4 main reasons why some people might do wrong things and how society could address these issues:

Peer Pressure and Social Influences: People sometimes do bad things just to fit in and be accepted, especially if everyone around them acts that way too.

What to do: Teach independent thinking and moral strength from a young age. Create communities that accept different viewpoints and promote understanding, so people don’t judge others for being different.

Lack of Empathy and Moral Lessons: If people don’t learn to consider how their actions affect others or what’s right and wrong, they may carelessly do harmful things.

What to do: Use education to build empathy by having kids/students imagine how others feel. Parents and teachers should nurture moral values through ethics lessons and doing kind acts.

Misinformation and Being Misled: False information, propaganda, and deception can distort someone’s sense of reality, making them think the wrong actions are okay or necessary.

What to do: Teach critical thinking to separate fact from fiction. Have open sharing of truthful information, and hold accountable those who knowingly spread misinformation. Ethical journalism and responsible use of media can counter harmful false narratives.

Poverty and Desperation: When people face systemic injustice and lack basic opportunities, some may turn to crime out of desperation to survive.

What to do: Improve access to education, jobs, housing, etc. to address the root causes of poverty. Have better social support systems for struggling communities. Focus criminal justice on rehabilitation over harsh punishments.

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